Sunday, January 22, 2012

Starting... again

Education doesn't end. It's never complete. There is no finish line. I'm a teacher; I should know this. But as my college graduation becomes an increasingly distant memory, I've been realizing more and more that I'm pouring out without taking much in. I've been running off those years of formal education. It worked for the first couple years, but my mind is starting to get out of shape. For most of my life, receiving an education was my calling; from kindergarten through university I had little choice but to spend time learning. And I loved it. But I'm inherently lazy, and I no longer have those same deadlines. In fact, I have different deadlines: my baby has to eat, play, and be put to bed; my house needs cleaning; dinner needs cooking; I need exercise; lessons need planning; tests and essays need grading. And then there are the other "deadlines": my show has posted on hulu, something exciting (or not) has happened on facebook in the past 10 minutes, or I found a new cooking blog. Somewhere along the way I've neglected my mind, and it's starting to show.

I had a professor in college tell me about the importance of good introductions to books. "When you write a book one day," she advised, "make sure to get the right person to write the introduction." Obviously what struck me about her statement was not her input on finding someone to write a strong introduction as the fact that she believed I would continue to write. Periodically I think about what she said, and I feel motivated to write. So I sit down at my computer and wonder what I should say. I don't have a cohesive vision right now. At this point I could never write a book or even an artice. I wouldn't even be able to choose a topic. But I do need to write more. And everyone is blogging now. And since I'm terrible at keeping a journal and bizarre as it may seem, posting on the internet seems to provide some level of accountability to keep me writing (even if no one reads it), here goes.

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